
学士学位以外所需的学分数: 36


四门5000级或更高的课程 112

With the approval of the advisor and Program Coordinator, students select graduate courses in their area of interest within the bioinformatics field. No more than two courses may be taken outside of the College of Science and Technology.

All graduate-level courses must be passed with a "B-" or better.

All PhD candidates must have experience teaching at 亿德体育. A minimum teaching requirement of one term may be satisfied by serving as a Teaching Assistant in a Bioinformatics-affiliated department.

Attendance at scheduled departmental colloquia is required.

The student independently prepares a written proposal and submits it to the 研究生 Committee by April 1 of the student's fourth term. The proposal should follow the general format of a postdoctoral proposal to a federal granting agency (e.g.国家卫生研究院). It should include background surrounding a particular research problem, 包括与这个问题相关的文献, and a detailed methodological plan for investigating the problem. The sections of the written proposal should include Title; Abstract (not to exceed 300 words); Specific Aims; Background and Significance; Preliminary Data; Experimental Design (including Rationale, 特定的方法, 可能结果的解释, and Pitfalls and Alternative Strategies); and References. The preliminary exam proposal should be 15 to 20 pages in length. 研究顾问不得直接出资.

The Area Committee has two weeks in which to review the written proposal, 学生只允许重写一次. 如果提案在第一次重写后未被接受, 这个学生被认为考试不及格. 如果书面建议被接受, an oral examination is scheduled through the department and held within two weeks. The oral examination tests the student's understanding of the background and substance of the research proposal and understanding of the area of specialization in which the research is embedded.

The preliminary examination is administered by the Preliminary Examination Committee. The student’s primary research advisor is allowed to attend but must remain silent unless called upon by the Committee for clarification or advice. A minimum of three examiners serve on the Preliminary Examination Committee. 完整的考试, 书面和口头, 是由初审委员会评分的吗, and one of the following grades is assigned: Pass or Fail. The evaluators look for a breadth and depth of understanding of specific research areas, a critical application of that knowledge to specific biological phenomena, and an ability to write a proposal in a manner consistent with scientists in the student's specialization. The student is notified of the grade the day the exam is taken. A passing grade requires a 2/3 majority of the Preliminary Examination Committee. Students who receive a grade of Fail may retake the exam one additional time. Examinations that are to be retaken must be completed before October 1 of the following academic year.

The doctoral dissertation is an original bioinformatics study that demonstrates the student's knowledge of research methods and mastery of their primary area of research.

The Doctoral Advisory Committee includes a minimum of four members: three from the list of CST faculty affiliated with the 生物信息学博士学位 program, 包括顾问, and one from outside the College of Science and Technology. Departmental/affiliated faculty members must be 研究生 教师 or equivalent research faculty and are chosen by the student and advisor. The Doctoral Advisory Committee is to be formed within two to three months after successful completion of the preliminary examination, with the exception of the outside member who may be chosen just prior to the dissertation defense. The student may petition the Biology Department 研究生 Committee to change an advisor or committee member.

The Doctoral Examination is to consist of a formal departmental colloquium open to the public, 而是由博士咨询委员会进行的. The student then meets with the Dissertation Examining Committee after the colloquium for the dissertation defense. The penultimate version of the dissertation must be approved by the Doctoral Advisory Committee at least two weeks before the 研究生 School deadline for submission of final copies.

The scheduling of the dissertation defense is to be arranged by the dissertation advisor. The 研究生 School must be notified at least ten working days in advance. Announcements of the dissertation defense are posted around the Biology Department and the host department as well as advertised via e-mail or listserv.